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Gods Will Fall Valiant Edition cd key
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  • 29 Janvier 2021 Deep Silver
    Genre Action
    Multijoueur No
    Date de sortie 29 Janvier 2021
    Éditeur Deep Silver
    Pas encore de revues !
    27.04 InStock
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    The Valiant Edition Includes "The Valley of the Dormant Gods" DLC Pack Featuring:THREE NEW GODSEnter and battle your way through three new infernal god realms. Each of these uncharted hellscapes, inhabited by abominable swarms of minions, will be a grueling test to your mettle.NEW WEAPON CLASSESPlay as two new barbarous warrior types, each with their own unique death-dealing style of combat.NEW ITEMSA windfall of new gear and provisions to aid your clan in battle and turn the tides of war.NEW SKILLSNew methods of melee to further expand your warriors’ combat system and ensure the apt champion is chosen for the battle that lies ahead.OVERWORLD EXTRASAs you traverse the tranquil overworld, keep your eyes peeled and unearth the hidden secrets now spread across this serene landscape.WARRIORS’ GARBSuit up your clan in the finest battle-ready attire & headgear for extra swagger as they enter the fray....

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    The Valiant Edition Includes "The Valley of the Dormant Gods" DLC Pack


    Enter and battle your way through three new infernal god realms. Each of these uncharted hellscapes, inhabited by abominable swarms of minions, will be a grueling test to your mettle.

    Play as two new barbarous warrior types, each with their own unique death-dealing style of combat.

    A windfall of new gear and provisions to aid your clan in battle and turn the tides of war.

    New methods of melee to further expand your warriors’ combat system and ensure the apt champion is chosen for the battle that lies ahead.

    As you traverse the tranquil overworld, keep your eyes peeled and unearth the hidden secrets now spread across this serene landscape.

    Suit up your clan in the finest battle-ready attire & headgear for extra swagger as they enter the fray.

    Multijoueur: no
    Plateforme: PC
    Éditeur: Deep Silver
    Date de sortie: 29 Janvier 2021
    Configuration requise: Here
    Langues du jeu
    English*, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain, Russian , Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese ( * = Full audio support)
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    4. Le produit est disponible pour l'achat instantané
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